

Robotics Day At The Fair

Frisbee Shooter

Lafayette Christmas Parade

T-Shirt Cannon

Indianapolis Children’s Museum

We went to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum to show our robots to the children there.  We grabbed the interest of many small kids, and informed them and their parents of opportunities they might have to get involved in FIRST.

Tippecanoe County Fair

We brought our robot to the 2019 Tippecanoe County Fair to demonstrate our robot and what we do on our team.  We brought in the interest of many kids and adults, including a few Tippecanoe County Sheriffs.

Purdue Seatbacks

For a few years now, we have regularly paired with team 461, Westside Boiler Robotics, and Purdue to sell seatbacks to attendees of Purdue football games.  In this way, we both get our name out there and raise funds.

Elementary School Demonstrations

We went to Klondike Elementary to show them the wonders of STEM and FIRST robotics.  They were very excited by the robot that we showed them, and we received many letters afterward which showed the interest and appreciation from the children at the convocation.